Red Deer are one of the most famous animals in Scotland and represent the Scottish Highlands.

We love them a lot! Here are 8 cool facts about these amazing creatures that we think you'll enjoy.

1. Scottish Red Deer are the biggest land animals in Britain.

The largest stags can weigh up to 500 pounds and stand over 4.5 feet tall at the shoulder. For comparison, the biggest stag is 4.5 feet tall, and the younger stag is 4 feet tall.

2. Red Deer are very social and live in groups called herds.

In most herds, the females lead the group. At Highland Safaris, the herd usually sticks together without a clear leader. However, when food is around, the oldest hind takes charge!

3. In the wild, Red Deer can live up to 20 years, but they usually live around 14 or 15 years.

That’s a long time to explore Scotland’s hills and valleys. Deer in captivity often live longer because they have access to food, and medical care, and are protected from dangers.

4. Red Deer are herbivores.

In the wild, they eat plants, leaves, and heather, which are common in the Scottish Highlands. At Highland Safaris, they eat grass and hay. In winter, they also get pony nuts, a high-fiber food that offers a good mix of vitamins and minerals.

Interesting facts about red deer by weird square

Video by Animal Square

5. Red Deer are famous for their antlers.

These antlers can grow up to a meter long and are used by males to protect their group of females from other stags.

Each spring, stags shed their antlers in a process called antler casting. The antlers can weigh up to 20 pounds (9 kg) and take a lot of energy to grow. Shedding them helps the deer save energy for mating and foraging. After shedding, the stags regrow their antlers from the base, and the cycle starts again.

6. Red Deer have unique mating calls called roars or bellows.

You can hear these calls across the hills and valleys of Scotland in autumn. During the rut, or mating season, stags use these calls to attract females and show dominance over other males. The roars are deep and can be heard up to 2 miles away. Stags often roar several times in a row, creating a haunting and impressive sound. The strength and frequency of the roars can show the stag's size and power, making them important for attracting mates.

From September to November, you might hear the stags roaring.

During the rut, stags also urinate, which is a strong-smelling substance similar to musk. This helps them communicate with females and other males in the area.

7. Antlers and horns are different.

Antlers are made of bone and are shed and regrown each year. Horns are made of keratin (like nails and hair) and are permanent. Antlers are branched, while horns are usually straight or slightly curved.

8. Red Deer fur becomes hollow in winter.

In the winter, Red Deer fur goes hollow to help keep them warm. The hollow hairs trap a layer of insulating air close to their body, which helps them stay warm as temperatures drop.

Lykkers, we hope you enjoyed learning these fascinating facts about Red Deer! What did you find most interesting? We'd love to hear your thoughts and any other cool facts you know about these amazing creatures.