Peppermint ice cream is a refreshing dessert for hot summer days. The unique peppermint flavor offers a cooling sensation, beautifully complementing the smooth, creamy undertones.

Making this classic ice cream at home is both enjoyable and fulfilling. The key is selecting high-quality ingredients and carefully following each step of the process.

Here, Lykkers, we will provide a detailed guide on how to create mouth-watering peppermint ice cream.

First and foremost, using fresh peppermint leaves is crucial. Peppermint leaves are not only the primary source of the peppermint flavor in ice cream but also impart a natural fragrance and a slightly bitter aftertaste.

About 50 grams of fresh peppermint leaves are needed to infuse a pure peppermint flavor into the ice cream.

If fresh peppermint leaves are unavailable, you can opt for high-quality peppermint essential oil, but be cautious with the amount. Using too much essential oil can overpower the flavor, leading to an intense taste that lacks natural freshness.

Next is the selection of milk and cream. Whole milk and light cream form the foundation of the ice cream, providing a rich milky aroma and a silky texture. You will need 250 ml of whole milk and 200 ml of light cream.

The ratio of milk to cream can be adjusted based on personal preference. Generally, a slightly higher proportion of whole milk results in a lighter ice cream, while more cream creates a richer and smoother texture.

Sugar is another indispensable ingredient in making ice cream. It is recommended to use 100 grams of white sugar as it dissolves quickly and distributes evenly throughout the mixture.

If you prefer your ice cream less sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar accordingly. Additionally, a small amount of salt (about 1 gram) enhances the flavor and enriches the taste of the ice cream.

The first step in making peppermint ice cream is heating the peppermint leaves with the milk. In a medium-sized pot, heat the milk and fresh peppermint leaves together until they are almost boiling. Be careful not to let the milk boil, as this can destroy its nutrients.

Once the peppermint flavor has infused into the milk, turn off the heat, cover the pot, and let the peppermint leaves steep in the milk for about 20 minutes. This step ensures that the peppermint's aroma is fully released, allowing the milk to absorb its refreshing taste.

After steeping, remove the peppermint leaves from the milk and allow the milk to cool slightly. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color and thicken slightly. Gradually pour the warm milk into the egg yolks while stirring constantly.

It is important to ensure that the milk is not too hot, as this could cook the egg yolks, resulting in a grainy texture. Pour the mixture back into the pot and heat it slowly over medium-low heat, stirring continuously until it thickens slightly and can coat the back of a spoon.

Once the mixture reaches the desired consistency, add the cream and sugar, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into a clean container, cover it, and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours or until it is thoroughly chilled. This step allows the flavors to meld, and the low temperature ensures a more uniform texture during the freezing process.

After the mixture has cooled, pour it into an ice cream machine and churn it until it reaches the desired ice cream consistency. If you do not have an ice cream machine, you can manually stir the mixture. Pour the mixture into a shallow dish and place it in the freezer, stirring it every 30 minutes.

Repeat this process 4-5 times until the ice cream has a smooth texture. Although this method is time-consuming, it helps prevent the formation of ice crystals, resulting in a more delicate ice cream texture.

Finally, when the ice cream is nearly ready, you can add chocolate chips or nuts according to your preference to enhance the flavor and texture. After stirring the mix-ins evenly, transfer the ice cream to a sealed container and freeze it for at least 2 hours to allow it to solidify completely.

After a few hours of patience, you can indulge in a bowl of homemade peppermint ice cream. You will notice that its flavor is distinct from commercial ice creams. It combines a rich, creamy aroma with a refreshing peppermint taste, evoking the coolness of summer with every bite.

Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with chocolate sauce or fresh fruit, this ice cream provides an ultimate taste experience. Making peppermint ice cream at home is not just a culinary activity but a delightful exploration. Through these simple steps, you can surprise your family and friends with a sweet treat that embodies the essence of summer.