Pineapple was native to the Amazon River Basin in Brazil and Paraguay, and spread from Brazil to all parts of the world in the 16th century. It has been circulated to the entire tropical area. The taste of pineapple is sweet, which contains a large amount of fructose and a variety of vitamins, which has the effects of promoting digestion and alleviating diarrhea. Pineapple has become one of the indispensable fruits in our daily life.

Pineapple is alkaline fruit. From the perspective of taste and pH, pineapple is acidic, but in terms of food nature, pineapple is alkaline food. Because the calcium, potassium, magnesium and other ingredients contained in pineapple enters the human body, the ultimate metabolic products are alkaline, so pineapple is alkaline food.

Generally speaking, pineapple is more suitable to eat about 200 grams of pineapple a day. At the same time, you need to decide according to your own situation. If you have oral ulcers, it is better to eat less. In addition, pineapple cannot be eaten for a few days. It is more appropriate to eat once every two days.

Pineapple is a fruit with high water content. Each 100 grams of pineapple contains 87.1 grams of moisture, so it can help the human body to replenish water, and it also has the effect of diuretic.

In addition, eating pineapple has a good digestible effect on the stomach. Therefore, when gastrointestinal indigestion, eating some pineapple can improve. In addition, the cellulose contained in pineapple can promote intestinal peristalsis, play a role in defecation, and then prevent constipation.

Some people have an allergic reaction after eating pineapple. This is because pineapple contains a substance called pineapple protease, which is a very common allergen. The fastest response can occur within 15 minutes, and symptoms such as tongue numbness, vomiting, redness of the skin, and itching of the whole body appear. It is called "pineapple disease" or "pineapple poisoning".

Precautions for eating pineapple:

1. Although the nutritional value of pineapple is high, you must also control the amount of eating when eating. Do not eat too much, soak it with salt water for a while before eating.

2. Pineapple should not be eaten with eggs. The fruit acid in pineapple will be combined with the protein in the eggs to form a material that is not easy to digest. In addition, pineapple and radish and milk should not be eaten together, which can easily cause physical discomfort.

3. Patients with gastric ulcers, patients with kidney disease, and incomplete blood coagulation function should eat pineapple cautious, because the protease in pineapple has a solubility, which can easily lead to worsening the condition.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit. If it is not stored properly, pineapple will become black in the middle. This is one of the main diseases that can appear pineapple fruit, which is caused by fungi. Pineapple fruits are easy to rot, soften, and black at room temperature.

In order to prevent pineapple from deteriorating, we can soak the whole pineapple in salt water, which can block the contact between pineapple and air and enhance the taste of pineapple. Or you can also wrap the pineapple with plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator, and soak it in salt water when you are ready to eat. This can not only reduce the stimulation of the oral mucosa, but also play a sterilization role.