Fried chicken thighs are a favorite dish of many people, and you can make them at home as long as you prepare the ingredients.

The first thing you need to do is to remove all the dirty parts of the chicken thighs, then you can put them in a bowl and prepare some other things.

You can coat them with egg wash, then wrap them up, wrap them in a layer of bread crumbs and put them directly into the frying pan to fry them, so you can make a very delicious fried chicken thighs.

You can also prepare some salad dressing or ketchup to go with it so that it tastes good.

The choice of ingredients has a strong relevance to the taste, with the following main points to note.

1. Tight-skinned chicken thighs

When choosing chicken thighs, first pay attention to the chicken skin wrapped around the thigh.

Generally speaking, high-quality chicken thighs are wrapped tightly with chicken skin on the inside, the bones are closely connected to the meat, the skin looks tight and the meat of the chicken is full of meat.

If you come across chicken thighs that look flabby, or even the skin has separated, it means that they have been left for a long time, the meat is not fresh, and the nutrition is lost.

This kind of chicken is best not to buy.

2. Shiny color chicken thighs

After looking at the skin of the chicken legs, but also pay attention to the color of the chicken legs.

New or not new at a glance.

Usually, fresh chicken thighs are white or light yellow and shiny.

And if the color of the chicken thigh looks dull or even black, it means that it is no longer fresh.

Also, if you can clearly see chicken thighs with blood clots, they are not fresh, so it is best not to buy them.

3. Use your hand to press the chicken thighs with elasticity

When buying chicken thighs, you should also press them gently with your hands.

Fresh chicken thighs are firm, plump, even and elastic, and bounce back quickly.

On the contrary, pressing will leave obvious fingerprints and pressing a big hole means it is not fresh, so be careful when buying.

The first time fried chicken thighs worried about how to deep fry chicken thigh meat?

1.Wrapped batter frying

Many people will chicken legs directly into the frying pan frying, the surface of the fried batter inside may not be cooked.

And the surface of the chicken thighs wrapped in batter, to avoid the surface of the chicken thighs fried batter, to extend the frying time, so that the chicken thighs have enough time to fry cooked.

2.Fry on medium-low heat

Deep-fried chicken thighs oil temperature does not need to be too high, should be in the oil temperature of 60% hot when the pan, with low heat, slowly fried.

Oil temperature is too high will easily lead to the outside of the scorched inside is not cooked.

3. Fried with small chicken thighs

If the chicken thighs you choose are too big and difficult to fry, then you can use smaller chicken wings to fry them instead, which is easier to fully fry.

How can you tell if the chicken thighs are cooked?

1.Look at the color

General chicken thighs fried until both sides golden brown is basically fried, this need to rely on experience to judge, no experience may not be judged.

2. With chopsticks

Use a chopstick into the chicken leg, if you can smoothly penetrate, basically said that the chicken leg fried cooked.