Recently, a baby in the United States saw his mother eating sandwiches and wanted to eat them, but he cried angrily because he did not have long front teeth, which made his mother very helpless.

When the baby grows up, he will always want to try many different things, such as looking around, or seeing adults want to taste what they are eating, etc., the naive look is quite lovely and painful.

According to a comprehensive report, a Samantha Maples living in California shared a video of his son crying when he couldn't bite a sandwich. the video showed the baby trying to bite the sandwich, but because the baby was only one year old and had no teeth, he couldn't eat it anyway. He failed every time after three attempts, and the baby made a fist and cried angrily.

Samantha Maples also said: "at that time, we were eating turkey sandwiches, and our one-year-old son Royce saw that we were eating and wanted to eat. At first, he wanted to say that he was too young to give it to him, but the youngest son Royce was very eager, so he let him try it. Unexpectedly, after several tests, the younger son couldn't bite because he had no teeth. He was so angry that he cried out, which really amused us."

In fact, the film was shot by Samantha Maples in 2020, and now Royce is three years old! You can enjoy your favorite sandwiches, and the film also makes many netizens respond to "struggling too cute", "directly melting" and "it's funny to eat sandwiches without teeth".

The five stages of baby teething:

Stage I-2 teeth.

The baby is generally 4-8 months old, the mandible of a pair of breast incisors quietly sprouted, and from then on the baby is out of the ranks of no teeth. During this period, the baby likes to chew anything he can get into his mouth, which makes people laugh or cry very much, and sometimes chews spoons like adults.

Second stage-4 teeth.

At about 8 to 12 months, the baby's upper jaw grows two more teeth or more. At this time, the baby's nutritional needs are getting higher and higher, during this period, the mother should give the baby more choices, such as tomatoes and so on.

The third stage-6-8 teeth.

The maxillary lateral incisors erupt at 9-13 months, and the mandibular lateral incisors erupt at 10-16 months. During this period, the baby slowly began to adapt to solid food, and the digestive function of the intestines and stomach became more and more mature.

During this period, mothers can give their babies solid foods, such as steamed eggs, vegetables and so on.

Stage IV-8-12 teeth.

At about 13-19 months, the baby will have its first deciduous molars (big teeth).

After having deciduous molars, the baby's masticatory ability is greatly improved. During this period, the baby will enthusiastically put the food into his mouth with a spoon, even if he eats all over the table, it is worthy of the mother's encouragement, which also has an impact on the baby's character in the future.

Stage 5-12-20 teeth.

In the following 16 to 20 months, the baby's 20 baby teeth gradually grow together, completing the whole process of the baby tooth series, during this period, the baby can not only swallow food by himself but also the eating skills become more and more perfect. Mothers can give ordinary slightly softer foods, such as rice, noodles, soybeans and so on.