Coffee is a drink that modern people like very much. It can promote the secretion of adrenal glands, enhance vitality, improve mental state, and maintain a good physical state.

Coffee trees are perennial evergreen shrubs or small trees belonging to the Rubiaceae family. Daily coffee is made from coffee beans with various cooking utensils. Coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of the coffee tree. A standard cup of coffee should not taste bitter. A qualified barista will strictly carry out every step of the operation when making coffee, and finally the coffee presented to the guests will be presented on the taste. Different degrees of sweetness, acidity, mellowness or cleanliness.

Nowadays, all over the world, people are more and more fond of coffee. The resulting "coffee culture" fills every moment of life. Whether at home, in the office, or in various social situations, people are sipping coffee, and it is gradually associated with fashion, modern life, work and leisure.

There are many types of coffee, and I will introduce them to you below. White coffee is the first choice for a healthy life. White coffee is not as white as milk, but as black as black coffee. Because it is roasted at a low temperature and does not add caramel or impurities, it has a lighter color and is called "white coffee". White coffee removes the scorched and astringent taste of general coffee stir-frying and charcoal roasting, and retains the natural flavor and rich aroma of the original coffee. The requirements for a healthy life are suitable for office workers and those who stay up late who do not eat breakfast.

Black coffee, the first choice for weight loss life. Black coffee refers to coffee that is directly roasted with coffee beans without any modification. It is the purest drink in the coffee family. The caffeine in black coffee can promote the conversion of fat in the human body into heat, accelerate the metabolic activity of the human body, and reduce the occurrence of obesity. However, after all, there is no evidence that drinking coffee is significantly related to weight loss. The only certainty is that a cup of 100 grams of black coffee has only 2.55 calories. Under the premise of a reasonable diet and exercise, it is beneficial and harmless to those who lose weight.