Asian elephants are the largest remaining land animals in Asia.

Asian elephants like to live in groups, each group of several or dozens of different, with an adult female elephant as the leader of the group with activities, no fixed residence, and a wide range of activities. Asian elephants are intelligent, self-aware animals, no less than dolphins, and chimpanzees.

They can use ready-made tools and have the ability to learn later. Asian elephant tusks can be used to dig for water, and salt, and to break open the bark or roots of trees. They also use their tusks to mark trees and to defend themselves or attack with their tusks.

Asian elephants roam the forest by memory, feeding on the ripe fruits and branches of the season, with a particular preference for bamboo. The activities of these giants affect the survival of other animals in the rainforest, leaving spacious forest avenues for other animals to traverse where they pass.

On May 27, 2020, a family of 15 Asian elephants is seen in Yunnan Province, where people live in. It is rare to see so many Asian elephants concentrated in urban areas.

During the migration of more than 400 kilometers, these 15 elephants directly damaged crops amounting to 561,333 square meters, with a preliminary estimate of direct economic loss of nearly 6.8 million, and no casualties have yet been reported.

Local authorities say it is rare for Asian wild elephants to leave their traditional habitat and migrate this far north. Precautions have been taken to prevent human-elephant conflict when elephants enter human settlements.

Local police have been deployed to guide the herd, while 228 vehicles, four excavators, and three drones have been dispatched to help divert the herd away from human settlements.

So what caused them to make their way north?

The Asian elephant actually originated in Hebei, and as time went on and the climate became colder, the Asian elephant gradually moved south to Yunnan in search of the most suitable environment for its life.

However, in recent years there has been global warming and the temperature at the Yunnan border has begun to rise, making it increasingly unsuitable for the Asian elephant to survive, and the Asian elephant has gradually begun to move north.

Seeing an elephant online and in the zoo is cute, so is it dangerous?

In fact, most of the knowledge of elephants is in zoos or circuses, and do not know much about wild elephants. In fact, elephants are one of the most dangerous animals in the world and are ranked number one.

Asian elephants pose a very serious threat to people mainly by destroying farmlands, attacking villages, etc. Due to their large size and incredible food intake, elephants cause very serious damage to crops. And, Asian elephants are herd animals, they are "collective crime".

Asian elephants will also attack humans and can be attacked around the human, chase, so generally encounter elephants, we either choose to evacuate in an emergency, or choose to lock ourselves in the home, do not go out.

Why do Asian elephants migrate all the way to the north? This is the most direct response to global warming, and the most direct impact on the habitat of the animals to change.

The migration of Asian elephants needs to be valued all over the world and pay attention to our earth.