In October, a farm in Cambodia's Pailin province is covered with longan trees. With the wind blowing in the mountains, the fruit-laden branches are moving in the wind as if they are looking forward to a new destination.

The harvesting period starts in late October and lasts until May, with the peak of harvesting from November to December. Longan becomes the third Cambodian fresh fruit to be exported directly after fresh bananas and fresh mangoes.

At present, longan in Cambodia is planted on about 130,000 hectares, and the harvestable area is 10,000 hectares, mainly in Pailin and Battambang provinces.

The export of Cambodian longan will better stagger to meet the demand of consumers in different countries. According to the report, thanks to the local climate of high temperatures all year round, longan can grow all year round.

By pushing the flowers in different seasons, the ripening time of longan is delayed or advanced, avoiding the peak season of June and July when longan is available in other countries.

According to the report, in 2021, Cambodian longan faced export difficulties during the harvesting season, and some of them were left unsold.

To help solve the practical problems affecting the livelihood of Cambodian farmers, the General Administration of Customs of each country innovated the way of work to speed up the process of exporting Cambodian longan, and efficiently completed the phytosanitary risk assessment for the export of Cambodian longan through remote video.

While Cambodia longan is exported smoothly, the local longan planting standardization and processing level are also being improved.

The orchards of the planted farmers will reach 4,000 hectares. Meanwhile, the production of dried longan meat is also progressing smoothly.

Walking into the longan packaging factory, Cambodian workers on the "assembly line" are working skillfully to remove the core, clean it, place it on trays, dry it, and so on. After a series of human and mechanized steps, a bottle of crystal-sweet dried longan was born.

Whether it is the processing of dried longan or the grading and packaging of fresh fruits, the standardization of agricultural production in Cambodia has been increasing.

In recent years, Cambodia has been promoting the construction of fruit quality and safety projects and has visited Pailin longan orchards many times for research, guiding orchards and packaging factories to implement good agricultural practices, and process longan products according to standard phytosanitary standards and safety and health requirements.

At present, Cambodia is pressing ahead with the export of pepper, wild aquatic products, edible aquatic animals, bird's nests, and coconut.

As more Cambodian agricultural products are allowed to be exported, the related fields will provide more employment opportunities for Cambodian farmers and improve their income and living standards for the benefit of the people.