The sweet Maldives is the preferred destination for newlyweds who choose to spend their honeymoon.

Romance and style are synonymous with the Maldives, to come here are to enjoy life and feel the time alone with your loved one.

Did you know that The beaches in the Maldives are glowing at night?

Maldives fluorescent sea beach, in the honeymoon mecca Maldives at night, will appear a blue fluorescent beach.

Countless plankton emits blue fluorescence with the waves covering the beach, the sea shines like a starry sky.

The fluorescent beach, and a name full of stories - Blue Tears.

Blue Tears, as a poetic and romantic scene, makes the Maldives wear a double veil of dream and mystery.

Such beautiful fluorescent beaches attracted countless tourists once they were discovered.

But this fluorescent beach is strange, to say the least.

Many tourists come to the Maldives specifically to see this fluorescent beach.

But this fluorescent beach is also very mysterious.

Because the time of appearance is not certain, people are full of curiosity.

The "glowing beach", also known as the "Martian tide", is formed by glowing plankton.

This phenomenon was accidentally discovered by Will Ho on his honeymoon trip to the Maldives.

The fluorescent sea is actually a bioluminescent phenomenon.

The so-called bioluminescence phenomenon refers to the process of releasing chemical energy into light energy through certain chemical reactions in the body of living organisms.

The glow of fireflies is one of the most well-known bioluminescence phenomena.

The scientific name for these beautiful "dots of light" in the Maldives is Polygonatum.

There is also non-plant, non-animal flagellate algae that glow, a single-celled microorganism similar to bacteria.

When pressed by external forces such as wave action, they glow like fireflies.

These blue fluorescent beaches are certainly beautiful and have high ornamental value, but they are a warning.

It makes everyone aware that the environment here is getting worse and worse.

The blue-glowing beaches are made up of single cells of seaweed, which are unfriendly to other marine life.

They proliferate and then die, which stresses the ocean and consumes a lot of oxygen.

When the oxygen level in the seawater decreases to a certain level, other organisms within the same sea die due to lack of oxygen.

This poses a huge threat to the local marine ecosystem.

The beauty of this wonderful and unique beach is certainly beautiful, but the ultimate ecological cost is still too high.

As you know, this blue fluorescent beach is not only found in the Maldives, but also in Puerto Rico, USA.

According to statistics, there have been three blue shores here, which is the most frequent area in the world.

The more beautiful something is, the more dangerous and mysterious it is.

Such beauty can be a great physical and mental boost.

But do not forget that this is a sign of the eutrophication of seawater, which can bring great damage to our environment.

While enjoying the beauty we must be careful to protect the environment.