The study shows that the chili peppers in the world can be divided into five types: Lantern pepper type, long pepper type, cluster raw pepper type, cone pepper type, and cherry pepper type.

1. Lantern pepper type

The plant is tall, the leaf is thick, the flower is big, the fruit is big, showing persimmon shape, apple shape and lantern shape. Sweet, slightly spicy or non-spicy.

According to the shape of the fruit, it can be divided into big sweet pepper, big persimmon pepper and small round pepper.

2. Long pepper type

The height of the plant is medium and slightly open, and the fruit is as long as ox horn and sheep's horn, which is spicy and slightly spicy with sweet or sweet taste.

Most of the fruits are early and medium-ripe, which can be divided into long-pointed pepper, short-pointed pepper and line pepper according to the fruit type.

3. Cluster raw pepper type

The plant is low and clumpy, the stem is small and unfolded, the fruit is clustered, and the spicy taste is very strong.

So it can be cultivated as dried pepper, such as Chaotian pepper and so on.

4. Cherry pepper type

The plant is low and clumpy, and the fruit is small, conical, and spicy, such as chicken heart pepper. Red dried pepper is the main seasoning.

5. Cherry pepper type

The plant is small and open, the leaf is small, the fruit is as small as a cherry, born in the sky, red, yellow, and purple 3 colors, with ornamental.

It is extremely spicy and can be cultivated as dried pepper or ornamental pepper.

The quality requirements of chili peppers: as a fresh food, chili peppers should be of uniform size, solid peel, thick, fine, crisp, tender, and fresh meat, free from insect bites, black spots, and rot.

Dry red chili peppers are products of chili peppers dried. Indians call chili peppers "red steak".

Mexicans regard chili peppers as a national food.

Chili peppers have many nutrients and are good for the human body.

1. Protect the heart: chili is rich in vitamin C, which can control heart disease and coronary atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol.

2. Anti-cancer: pepper contains more antioxidants, which can prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

3. Appetizer and digestion: when you have no appetite, putting some chili peppers in the dish can improve your appetite.

4. Warming the stomach and expelling cold, relieving pain, and dispelling heat: chili has a strong effect on promoting blood circulation and can improve symptoms such as cold fear, frostbite, and vascular headache.

5. Skin beauty, fat reduction, and weight loss: chili contains a special substance that can speed up metabolism and burn body fat thankfully, thus playing a role in weight loss.

There are many ways to make chili peppers, which can be used as accessories or directly cook a dish, such as fried chili peppers.

This dish can not only open up the appetite but also ensure the taste and give the body a certain amount of nutrition.