What are the roles and benefits of honey that make it popular among the general public? Let's find out together.

1. Skin care and beauty

Fresh honey applied to the skin can play a nourishing and nutritious role, making the skin delicate, smooth, and elastic.

2. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, promote tissue regeneration

The quality of the honey will not rot at room temperature for several years, indicating that its antiseptic effect is extremely strong. Experiments have confirmed that honey has a strong inhibitory effect on streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheria, and other gram-positive bacteria.

When dealing with wounds, apply honey to the affected area to reduce exudation, relieve pain, promote wound healing, and prevent infection.

3. Promote digestion

Research has proven that honey has a regulatory effect on gastrointestinal function and can normalize gastric acid secretion.

Honey has the effect of enhancing intestinal peristalsis, which can significantly shorten the defecation time.

4. Improve the immune system

Honey contains a variety of enzymes and minerals that can improve the immune system.

5. Promote longevity

Scholars have investigated more than 200 elderly people over 100 years old, 143 of them are beekeepers, confirmed their longevity, and often eat honey related.

The mechanism of honey to promote longevity is more complex and is a comprehensive conditioning of the body, rather than simply acting on an organ.

6. Improves Sleep

Honey relieves nervous tension, promotes sleep, and has some pain-relieving properties. The glucose, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium in honey can regulate the nervous system and promote sleep.

For those with neurological disorders, a spoonful of honey every night before bedtime can improve sleep.

7. Protect the liver

Honey has a protective effect on the liver, providing energy preparing for the liver's metabolic activities, stimulating liver tissue regeneration, and playing a role in repairing the damage.

8. Anti-fatigue

The fructose and glucose in honey can be quickly absorbed and utilized to improve the camping condition of the blood. The human body fatigue when taking honey, 15 minutes can eliminate fatigue symptoms.

9. Promote the growth and development of children

Children who are weak and sick and have poor health can eat more honey. Rickets preschool children, two or three times a day can take 30-50 grams of honey, which can improve the symptoms of rickets.

10. cardiovascular protection

Honey has the effect of dilating the coronary arteries and nourishing the heart muscle, improving the function of the heart muscle, and regulating blood pressure.

11. moisten the lungs to stop coughing

Honey can moisten the lungs, has a certain cough effect, often used to assist in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis.

12. Promote calcium absorption

The United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center experts found that honey can prevent osteoporosis caused by calcium loss in middle-aged and older women. This is because the boron in honey can increase estrogenic activity and prevent calcium loss.