When the summer heat comes, there is nothing we like better than to go to the beach to play in the water or to swim in the pool for a few laps.

However, most people who go to the pool are in some indoor or built-in outdoor buildings, with high security, which will be equipped with professional lifeguards.

Today we want to introduce you to a swimming pool, that can be exciting and thrilling.

This pool and we know in our minds the ordinary pool can be too much worse.

This makes people feel very exciting the pool built in the waterfall, from the ground nearly 100 meters high, and below is ten thousand feet of cliffs.

It is called the most exciting pool in the world and is called the devil's pool by the locals.

This pool is located in Africa on the Victoria Falls of the Devil's Pool.

As the name suggests, the location of the Devil's Pool is alarming.

This devil pool is located nearly a hundred meters above the ground at the top of Victoria Falls.

This devil pool is a natural formation of a rock pool, without any artificial decoration, and can be said to be a thrilling gift of nature.

The location of the Devil's Pool is thrilling enough, in addition to being at the top of the waterfall, a look down is a ten-thousand-foot abyss, the location is both precarious and dangerous.

Whenever the river rushes to the cliff, the waterfall water cascades down rapidly, its splash height can reach 300 meters.

Even forty kilometers away can be seen as a cloud of water mist.

The sound of the waterfall is like the sound of thunder booming, very loud.

It can be seen how spectacular the scene of the waterfall is, and can also see how abundant the river flow facing this devil pool is.

If you choose to swim in the Devil's Pool when the waterfall is full of water, you undoubtedly do not want to live.

You should know that the water from the rushing waterfall will take you away with it and roll you into the abyss.

Therefore it is undoubtedly unwise to choose this time period to go to the Devil's Pool.

And in fact, the Devil's Pool is not always present, it only appears when the waterfall enters the dry season and the water flows calmly.

This time period is undoubtedly the most suitable to come to the Devil's Pool, the water bottom is clear, next to the beauty of the waterfall, but also very pleasant.

People like to come to Devil's Pool during the dry season of the waterfall.

It's a great thing to enjoy the stunning scenery while enjoying the gentle flow of water and playing in the water with your companions.

The Devil's Pool is covered by a natural rock wall.

Visitors who are just feeling the water are usually not washed down by the current.

However, many tourists with an adventurous mind also dive into the pool for a swim here.

Although the dry season current is not enough to wash people off the cliff, it is also very dangerous because there are no high-security facilities around to protect them.

If it were you, would you be willing to take the risk of going to the Devil's Pool to find out what's going on?