Sweets will secrete dopamine, and dopamine is a neurotransmitter secreted by the brain. It can flow to the whole body through the blood, transmit the information of happiness and happiness, and finally stimulate the nerves, making people feel excited.

When you're upset or emaciated, sugar is what your brain needs most. At this time, if you eat other foods, fat, cellulose, etc. cannot be converted into sugar. And some sweets such as ice cream and cake can be directly converted into sugar, which can quickly relieve this symptom and meet the energy needs of the brain.

When in a bad mood, the human body will also lack B vitamins and eat some desserts. Carbohydrates can promote the intake of B1B12, which can provide some comfort or satisfaction to the dry spirit. Donuts are sweet treats that bring a good mood.

A donut is a deep-fried dessert made of flour, sugar, cream and eggs. The two most common shapes are hollow rings, or closed doughnuts with sweet fillings such as cream and egg paste (generally referred to as egg beaten liquid, custard) in the middle of the dough.

The required materials are 200 grams of high-gluten flour, 25 grams of egg liquid, 4 grams of yeast, 110 grams of milk, 25 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of salt. First, heat the milk to about 40 degrees, dissolve the yeast, let it stand for a few minutes, mix all the ingredients evenly, knead it into a dough, and knead it for more than ten minutes to the expansion stage. Next, put the dough in a fresh-keeping bag in a warm place to ferment until it doubles in size, take it out and let it rest for 10 minutes, roll the dough into a square cake about 1 cm, and use a mold to print a doughnut-shaped cake on it. Enter the fermentation box for secondary fermentation for 40 minutes (set temperature 35, humidity 65), depending on the state of fermentation, that is, press it gently with your finger, if it does not rebound, it means that the fermentation has not been in place, if it rebounds quickly , indicating that it has been fermented too much, and it is only fermented when it slowly bounces. Third, when the oil is 70% to 80% hot (the temperature is 180°C), put it into the oil pan. After the intense reaction, fry the other side for about 30 seconds, and then the other side can be used to filter the oil. That's it.