The yearning for the beach and the sea is a beautiful childhood memory. As we grow older, those yearnings turn into cherished memories. Listen closely, can you hear the sea singing?

Sometimes it can be majestic, other times soothing, and occasionally the waves gently lap the shore in response. Close your eyes and let the sound of the sea breeze sliding between your ears transport you to another realm, like the safe haven of paradise known as Penglai.

Seychelles is famously known as the "tourist paradise". It boasts everything that a beautiful island should have - a blue sky, blue water, sunshine, sand, and a sea breeze. But Seychelles offers more than just that. The plants here are super-sized and lush with a bit of recklessness, and the colors are as rich and colorful as Gauguin's paintings.

To appreciate the diversity of Seychelles, one must take a boat ride through the islands, dive, sail and fish in the emerald waters, rest on the tranquil beaches and explore the deep caves.

Santorini is known for its blue and white architecture and the azure Aegean Sea. It's the most welcoming and romantic destination for lovers around the world. Santorini boasts the most beautiful sunsets in the world, and the most magnificent sea views, and the blue and white colorful world is a gathering place for artists!

Mauritius is famous for its stunning scenery, white sandy beaches and turquoise waters so clear that European tycoons call it "the backyard of Europe".

The great writer Mark Twain once described Mauritius as the original home of paradise, which was modeled after the island of Mauritius. The sun is always shining, the sky is blue, and the clouds are white. From afar, one can see the deep blue sea and look back at the last glow of the Indian Ocean, experiencing nothing but purity and beauty.

Taiping Island has fine sandy soil on its surface formed by the weathering of coral reefs. The lower layer is a hard reef plate. The island is surrounded by sandy beaches, with the north and south sides being narrower, only about 5 meters wide, the east side is about 20 meters wide, and the southwest side is about 80 meters wide.

The beach on Taiping Island is unique, with white and red fine sand. The white sand is very common, but the red sand is made of red coral broken and weathered. The white and soft sandy beach on the shore of Taiping Island, the beauty of the sea and the sky, and the relatively complete infrastructure, have the natural advantage of being developed into a tourist destination.

Fiji's sea is colorful, with countless odd-shaped and colorful sea fish swimming in the water, stirring the sea into a colorful mess. The cool sea breeze blows high into the clouds of the coconut grove island tropical trees in the green shade. The white sandy beach and strange-shaped coral reef make for a beautiful tropical sea original beauty.

The islands of Maldives are scattered in the Indian Ocean like "big pearls and small pearls", looking lonely, as if they were made of God's tears.

The ring of coral reefs, like a string of gems, is dotted on the green Indian Ocean. The water is clear, sunny, and beautiful. It is considered to be the "last Eden of mankind" in the Indian Ocean.