Fruit cake is a dessert that utilizes fresh fruit, jam, fruit juice, or fruit jam as the main ingredient to create a delicious fruity mousse.

Commonly used fruits for this dessert include strawberry, mango, kiwi, banana, and peach.

The combination of sweet and rich creamy milk and fresh, sweet fruit creates a warm and romantic sensation that satisfies the senses. The sweetness of the milk perfectly balances the tartness of the fruit, making it a delightful treat for any occasion.

To add more visual appeal to the dessert, you can decorate it with various small accessories.

Decorative sugar is a popular choice for fruit cake decoration. It comes in solid and colored varieties, with different shapes such as balls and stripes, allowing you to customize your cake to your liking.

Smaller decorative sugar can be easily sprinkled onto the cake's surface, while larger pieces may require the use of tweezers for more precise placement.

Meringue, also known as a marinade, is made from whipped egg whites and sugar, combined with other ingredients, and baked at a low temperature. It has a delicate taste and melts in the mouth.

Meringue comes in white, solid, and sandwich varieties, and can be shaped into various forms, including drops, lollipops, and cartoon shapes. Using creative meringue shapes, such as clouds or cartoon characters, can enhance the beauty of the cake and create a specific mood.

When choosing colors for the meringue, it is important to ensure that they harmonize with the cake's color scheme.

Oil painting cakes are decorated using the cake body as a canvas and spreadable materials such as buttercream frosting as paint. This technique adapts oil painting techniques to cakes, creating a unique effect. A cream spatula or spatula is used to smear the surface of the cake body, creating color lines or surfaces with other materials.

This method can also create a special texture on the surface of the cake. The use of differently-sized cream spatulas or spatulas can create various textures, points, lines, surfaces, and contrasts.

To bake a cake, an oven is an essential tool. While some rice cookers have a baking function, they lack the core features of a traditional oven.

Some people may feel hesitant to purchase an oven, assuming it to be large, expensive, and impractical for home use. However, a small home oven is sufficient for occasional cake baking and can meet most baking needs.

Fruit cake is a delicious dessert that combines sweet, creamy milk with fresh, fruity flavors. Decorating the cake with small accessories, such as decorative sugar or meringue, can enhance its beauty and create a specific mood.

Oil painting cakes, on the other hand, adapt oil painting techniques to cakes and create a unique and beautiful effect. An oven is an essential tool for baking cakes, and a small home oven can meet most baking needs.

When it comes to making a fruit cake, the possibilities are endless. You can use any type of fruit that you like, or even combine several types to create a unique flavor profile.

Some popular combinations include strawberry and banana, mango and peach, or kiwi and pineapple. You can also experiment with different textures by adding chopped nuts, dried fruit, or even chocolate chips to the batter.