Whenever the season changes and the clothes are washed and dried, the clothes will be wrinkled and look ugly on the body. So, how do you iron your clothes to make them flatter and shiny? Remember these tips for making your clothes look new!

When ironing clothes, it is necessary to understand the material of the clothes and control the temperature. Some chemical fibers are not suitable for high temperature, while others are resistant to high temperature.

Some natural fibers such as silk and wool are not suitable for high temperature ironing, while cotton and linen are suitable for high temperature ironing.

The clothes that need to be ironed should be washed first, and the ironing boards and vertical hangers needed for ironing should also be taken out in advance. Add water to the ironing machine and turn on the power to start preheating.

Different clothes have different ironing sequences. The general principle is: from thick to thin, from the inside to the outside, first iron a part, and then iron the whole.

Pants are worn for a long time, and often a large piece will be pushed up on the knee. For such deformed pants, it is best to use an electric steam iron.

Iron the back half of the trousers first, straighten the back half by hand when ironing, unfold the folds and then iron until the back half of the trousers returns to its natural state.

The top and bottom of the trousers should be ironed first. First place the iron lightly on the trousers and press the steam switch to allow the pleats to naturally retract under the heat of the iron.

The same method applies to the knee. Continue using the above method when the large bumps become small bumps. Repeat this, you can return to the original state, and finally iron the whole pair of pants.

Cotton and linen fabrics are generally ironed. If ironing on the front, a clean white cloth should be placed.

Colored clothes should be ironed from the inside first, and the temperature should not be too high, so as not to reflect light or cause water soaking after ironing, making the clothes brittle.

When linen, cotton and linen blended fabrics need to be ironed, the temperature of the iron should be low. Iron the inside of the clothes first, and then iron the fabric to prevent fluff from damaging the clothes.

Put a cloth soaked in vinegar on the pleat line, or apply diluted vinegar directly to the pleat line of the garment, and then iron it, the pleat line will be extra stiff.

This method can also be used to iron folds on clothes. However, this method cannot be used for light-colored clothing.

What should be paid attention to when ironing?

1. Keep the equipment clean and tidy, check the water level before starting the machine, and replenish the shortage in time.

2. The ironing tablecloth should be cleaned in time if it is dirty. For unwashed clothes, do not iron for the time being, wash them in time and then iron them.

3.Clothes are ironed and hung on suitable hangers.

Today's ironing knowledge is shared here!