Sika deer are noble and elegant. It wears a brown coat with white dots embroidered on it like a blooming plum blossom. No wonder we call it the sika deer. Its smooth fur gleamed in the sun.The legs of the sika deer are very slender.

Sika deer are very jumpy and have thick hooves on the soles of their feet. When walking, they make a "da-da" sound, just like wearing high-heeled shoes. Its tail is small and short, like a little pom-pom. The eyes of the sika deer are big and round, like a black pearl, very charming.

The most striking is the pair of antlers, which look like beautiful corals. Because deer antler can be made into precious medicinal materials, many people will harm the sika deer. But these animals are our precious friends in nature and we should be careful to protect them.

Sika deer generally feed on the twigs and leaves of various herbs, mainly leaves and linden leaves. In addition to grass blades, they eat moss and gnaw on tree bark. Sika deer are mainly active in the morning and evening, wandering mostly in places not far from water sources and where there is more food.

Sika deer are animals that like to cluster, and each group consists of 2 or dozens of them. Females and young deer live in groups, while males usually live alone. Sika deer mostly choose to inhabit sunny hillsides during the day, and at night they choose to inhabit the middle or upper part of the hillside, where the thatch is relatively low and sparse.

If you are raising sika deer at home, you will need to set up a complete farm including bucks circle , does circle , fawn circle and sick deer circle. The number depends on the number of deer, and if conditions permit, there should be a young deer playground.

When feeding sika deer, pay attention to the hygiene and nutrition of the feed. When raising pregnant doe, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the feed, not to feed moldy, rotten or frozen feed, and to feed it regularly and quantitatively.

At the same time, the nutrients in the feed should meet the physiological needs of pregnant mothers. The roughage should be of good quality and quantity, as diverse as possible, especially those with calcium and phosphorus deficiency, and selenium and vitamin E should be supplemented appropriately.