Eel is rich in various nutrients and has the functions of nourishing blood, removing dampness and anti-tuberculosis. It is a good nutritional product for patients with chronic diseases, weakness, anemia and tuberculosis.

Regular consumption can increase the blood calcium value and strengthen the body. The liver of eel is rich in vitamin A and is an excellent food for night blindness.

Braised eel is suitable for the elderly and infirm and young couples. In addition to braised eel, there is also eel rice, which is also one of the traditional summer dishes in Japan.

Unagi rice is a side dish in which eel is dipped in a sweet and salty sauce and then topped over white rice.

Share how to make braised eel.

Practice one:

Ingredients: an eel, ginger, pepper, green garlic, garlic, dried chili, red pepper, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, balsamic vinegar.


1. After processing the eel, marinate it with shredded ginger, red pepper, salt and pepper 30 minutes in advance.

2. Cook garlic slices, dried chili peppers and ginger slices over low heat until fragrant.

3. Put the eel into the pot and fry it on low heat, do not fry the fish.

4. Pour boiling water into the pot, the amount of water should cover the fish, and turn to high heat.

5. Add three tablespoons of soy sauce.

6. Add a tablespoon of sugar.

7. Turn to low heat, cover the pot and simmer for about 45 minutes.

8. Add the pre-adjusted water starch to the soup and collect the thick soup.

9. Put in the green garlic, fry until fragrant, and add a little balsamic vinegar to taste before serving.

Method two:

Wash the eel, remove the head and tail, and divide it into 3 pieces. Add sugar, soy sauce and ginger juice and marinate for 20 minutes to make it taste good.

Remove the eel and bring the remaining soup to a boil over low heat.

Insert bamboo skewers into the eel meat and rotate to secure.

Prepare the oven, apply a little oil on the top of the baking pan, put in the eel skewers, bake at 200 degrees for 6-8 minutes, turn over from time to time, smear the sauce several times, brush with a little bit of honey when taking out, and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

How to handle eel:

Ask the fishmonger to handle the eel, separating the meat from the bones.

When cleaning, put the eel meat into a basin, sprinkle flour evenly on the eel, and remove the mucus from the skin with a scraper, repeating several times until it is clean.

In terms of production, Japan, as the country with the largest amount of eel fishing, has usually caught about 100 tons of wild eel in the fishing season in the past few decades.

The extremely delicious taste and tender meat of eel make it a favorite among many food lovers. Good food, not to be missed!