Extreme skydiving is a sport that involves jumping from high altitudes using a parachute to slow down the speed of descent before landing safely in a designated area.

The sport can be done from various aircraft, equipment fixed at a height, steep mountain tops, high ground, or even buildings. Parachuting has been commonly practiced in many countries around the world since the late 18th century, and it has become one of the most popular extreme sports for young people.

Skydiving is known as the "brave man's sport" as it offers an exhilarating and challenging experience to participants.

It requires a high level of physical and mental preparation and is not for the faint of heart. The thrill of free-falling from thousands of meters in the sky is hard to match by any other sport or entertainment activity.

For many first-time skydivers, the most memorable moment is the preparation to parachute at an altitude of 3800 meters. The cockpit door opens, and the instructor gives the order to jump out of the plane.

The sensation of the whistling wind in your ears and the sky spinning around you is unforgettable. As you look down, the Earth seems to expand in front of you. The moment the parachute opens, all the fear and worry are swept away, replaced by a sense of freedom that is hard to describe.

There are different types of skydiving, including tandem skydiving, solo skydiving, and formation skydiving. Tandem skydiving involves jumping out of the plane with an experienced instructor who guides the beginner throughout the jump.

Solo skydiving requires a skydiver to jump alone, while formation skydiving involves multiple skydivers jumping together to form specific shapes or patterns in the sky.

Skydiving equipment includes a jumpsuit, helmet, goggles, altimeter, and most importantly, the parachute. The parachute is the primary safety device that allows the skydiver to slow down their descent and land safely.

There are different types of parachutes available, such as ram-air parachutes and round parachutes. Skydivers must understand the equipment they use and ensure that it is in good working condition.

Skydiving is a popular sport around the world, with France alone adding over 7,000 new skydivers each year, 23% of whom are women. However, some people view it as a nightmare sport due to the perceived dangers involved.

Despite this, skydiving is far less likely to result in an accident than cycling, according to statistics. The sport continues to attract more people, and it remains a popular way for individuals to enjoy the pleasure of defying gravity and testing their courage.

Extreme skydiving is a thrilling and challenging sport that offers participants a unique experience of defying gravity and pushing themselves beyond their limits.

While it may seem terrifying to many, the sensation of free-falling followed by a controlled descent is a feeling of freedom that is hard to match. The sport continues to attract more people, and it has become a popular way for individuals to prove their courage and experience the thrill of skydiving.

If you are looking for an adventure that will test your limits, extreme skydiving may be the perfect sport for you.