On a scorching summer day, drinking a cup of dragon fruit milkshake will instantly make you lose your enthusiasm. When you're feeling down, drink a sweet dragon fruit milkshake and you'll be refreshed.

Dragon fruit milkshake is not only delicious, but also has a great effect. According to scientific research, dragon fruit is delicious and juicy and has high nutritional value. It's a low-calorie, high-fiber fruit that can be eaten as a milkshake for added nutrition, and dragon fruit milkshake has many other benefits, let's take a look.

1. Promote digestion

Dragon fruit milkshake has a digestive boosting effect. Dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. At the same time, dragon fruit milkshake is also rich in beneficial bacteria, which can regulate the microecology of the intestinal tract after the beneficial bacteria enter the intestine.

2. Supplementary nutrition

Dragon fruit milkshake is mainly made from dragon fruit, milk, yogurt and so on. Yogurt and milk contain high-quality protein, calcium, vitamin A and other nutrients. Dragon fruit contains B vitamins, vitamin C and other nutrients. Eating dragon fruit milkshake in moderation can supplement the various nutrients needed by the human body in moderation.

3. Protect the stomach

Dragon fruit milkshake can lower the arterial blood pressure of systemic circulation, lower blood lipids, moisten the lungs, detoxify, beautify the face, and the iron content of dragon fruit is higher than that of ordinary fruits. Dragon fruit also has the function of protecting the stomach and has a high nutritional value.

Dragon fruit milkshake is so delicious and delicious, the most important thing is that its raw materials are also very simple, let's see how to make it.

We need to prepare the following materials:

150g red heart dragon fruit

150g homemade iced yogurt

Moderate amount of honey

Here's how to make a dragon fruit milkshake:

1. Prepare half of the dragon fruit and homemade yogurt, scoop out the dragon fruit with a spoon, and put it into the food processor.

2. Pour in the homemade yogurt.

3. Add the right amount of honey.

4. Start the food processor and beat until it becomes fine and viscous.

5. Put the milkshake into a container. If you like, you can refrigerate it for a while before drinking.

Although dragon fruit milkshake is delicious and relieves the heat, it is not recommended to eat too much, otherwise it will easily suppress the appetite, affect the intake of other foods, and cause adverse effects on the human body.

It should be noted that there are many food additives and sugars added to the milkshakes sold in the market. Excessive consumption is not good for health, and may lead to increased blood sugar and obesity.

In the hot summer, not only the heat wave, but also a lot of cool and delicious food. But even if it is delicious, we should control ourselves. After all, eating too much will harm our health. Therefore, it is recommended to drink two cups a day. It is important to avoid gluttony. We must learn to control our diet reasonably and enjoy a healthy life.