A cookie is a baked or cooked snack or dessert that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar, egg, and some type of oil, fat, or butter. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc

Cookies are most commonly baked until crisp or just long enough that they remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not baked at all. Cookies are made in a wide variety of styles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts, or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie may depend on how long it is baked.


• Butter. we use salted butter, but unsalted butter would also be great. just we recommend tasting the dough to ensure that it's salted to your liking.

• White Sugar. You can use granulated white sugar or organic cane sugar.

• Brown sugar. we use light brown sugar in this recipe for the best results.

• Flour. we recommend using an unbleached, all-purpose flour to make these chocolate chip cookies. Many readers have used gluten-free all-purpose flour with excellent results. Or, try these gluten-free chocolate chip cookies.

• Sea Salt. we exclusively bake and cook with pure, fine sea salt. Sea salt is different than table salt (that is iodized), so if you use salt other than sea salt we recommend testing the recipe first with ½ tsp and then adjusting to your taste.

• Chocolate Chips. As you can see from the photos, sometimes I use chocolate chunks, chopped chocolate, or chocolate chips. It doesn't matter what you use, as long as you use 2 cups

The Healthiest Time of Day to Eat a Cookie

• It?s 4 p.m. and your colleague offers you a cookie. You know you should probably eat the apple that?s sitting on your desk instead, but it looks so unappetizing next to that gooey treat in front of you. Word of advice: Eat the cookie. It could be just what you need to power through that spin class later.

• Here?s why: Carbs equal energy. You know that whole pasta-dinner thing that runners do before a race? It?s the same idea?just scaled back a smudge since we?re talking about a 30- or 45-minute class versus a 13 miler. Your body easily digests carbs, so when they?re consumed before a physical activity, it will use them to power you through a workout. Also, cookies are a perfect mix of simple carbohydrates for quick energy and, if they?re made with oats, complex ones to keep you sustained longer.

• Bottom line: No, cookies aren't the healthiest snack of all. But if you?re going to cheat at some point in the day, the best time to have a cookie is an hour or two before a workout. Then burn, baby, burn.

Chocolate chip cookies

Alternative names - Biscuit

Course - Snack, dessert

Place of origin - Persia, 7th century AD

Serving temperature - Often room temperature, although they may be served when still warm from the oven