Basketball was invented by American James Naismith in 1891. It has also become a favorite sport around the world. The highest organization of basketball is the International Basketball Federation, which was established in 1932 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

What hardware equipment does basketball need?

Venue requirements:

A standard basketball court should be a rectangle of 28m×15m.

The field is measured from the inner edge of the boundary line, each area, line and circle within the field is measured from the outer edge of the boundary line, and the line width of each line on the field is 5 cm.

There are two 2m long lines in the team bench area, the color of which should be very different from the color of the side and end lines.

Basketball Hoop:

The basketball hoop column should be at least 1m away from the outer edge of the end line. The width of the backboard is 1.80m, the height is 1.05m, and the bottom edge is 2.90m above the ground (the original backboard with a size of 1.80m×1.20m can still be used).

The bottom, edges and pillars of the backboard should be properly wrapped.

The upper edge of the basket is 3.05m above the ground, and the diameter of the ring strip is 1.7~2cm.

What about the number of fouls?

In the NBA, a player has 6 fouls or 2 technical fouls before being sent off; in international games, a player can only commit 5 fouls, and the number of technical fouls will also be counted.

Passing skills are important in the game of basketball.

1. Master the correct passing posture.

Place your hands in front of your chest with your fingers naturally apart, hold the ball with your palms out, your wrists bent back, and your legs naturally apart, shoulder-width apart. The center of gravity should be stable and the eyes should look straight ahead.

Of course, you have the flexibility to use one-handed passing in close proximity to your teammates.

2. Pay attention to the direction of the pass.

When passing the ball, directionality is important. After looking at the direction of his teammates, pass the ball in his own direction, sometimes not in place or being stolen by the opponent.

This is because most players are constantly on the move during the game, and a pass that cannot be direct should have an arc. Determine the player's direction in advance and pass the ball in advance.

3. The clever and flexible use of bouncing balls.

Sometimes the high-altitude ball is easy to steal by a taller opponent. At this time, you can make clever use of the rebound ball, that is, pass it to your teammates after the floor bounces.

Pay attention to mastering where the ball falls, don't use too much force when passing the ball, and try to let your teammates catch the ball comfortably.

The handling of a ball on the basketball court may be related to the outcome of the overall situation. Must pay attention to details, details determine success or failure.