New York Cheesecake is arguably the granddaddy of cheesecakes. Whether it's semi-cheese or the Internet cake Basque, it's all inspired by New York cheesecake.

New York cheesecake is made with cream cheese as the main ingredient, with a crispy digestive crust and sweet and sour cream and eggs.

This cheesecake is flourless, creamy, slightly tart on top and crispy on the bottom, and melts in your mouth.

Come learn how to make New York Cheesecake.

Main ingredients

300g cream cheese

100g eggs

100g sour cream

60g powdered sugar

90g Oreo cookies

30g butter

Production process

1. Sour cream is easy to make.

Sour cream is made by fermenting light cream with lactic acid bacteria, similar to yoghurt.

To make sour cream at home, you can add acid to make the egg white in the light cream solidify.

2. The ingredients are 150 ml of light cream, half a lemon, and lemon juice, and no special juicer that can also be directly squeezed by hand.

3. Pour the lemon juice into the light cream.

4. Use chopsticks to mix the light cream well. Seal it well and transfer it to the refrigerator to be used.

5. Make the cheesecake crust: remove the core of Oreo cookies, put the cookies into a grinder, and grind them, or use a rolling pin to crush them.

6. Heat the butter in the microwave oven until melted (30 seconds-60 seconds).

7. Mix the cookie crumbs and butter evenly, then put them into a live-bottom mould, flatten and press firmly, seal, and put into the freezer until used.

8. Chop the cream cheese and add powdered sugar.

9. Heat over water, while using a hand whisk to mix into a puree, taking care not to overheat.

10. Add the whole egg to the cheese mixture in batches and mix well with a whisk.

11. Add the sour cream and mix well until there are no particles.

12. Remove the cake mould from the bottom of the refrigerator and pour the cake batter into the cake mould.

13. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Fahrenheit and bake in a water bath (the bottom layer with a baking sheet filled with water, the penultimate layer with a baking sheet and cake mould) for about 60 minutes.

14. Continue to bake in the oven for 5 minutes, remove from the oven, let cool, and chill in the refrigerator for more than 3 hours. Remove from the oven and cut into pieces to enjoy.