Gazpacho is a delicacy. The main ingredients are cucumber, avocado, lemon, garlic, etc. The whole is green, sour and delicious, very suitable for eating in summer. Each of these materials has its own nutrition,let's take a look at the specific content.

First up is the avocado. Avocados are an extremely nutritious fruit called avocados. It contains a lot of vitamins, fats and proteins, which can quickly provide the body with the necessary energy for the body. Moreover, the sodium ions in it can improve the state of endocrine and promote the metabolism of water in the body to a certain extent. The potassium ions contained in it can enhance heart function and reduce the probability of heart attack. The dietary fiber in shea juice can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent obesity.

Next is cucumber. Cucumber contains trace elements such as chromium, which can play a role in lowering blood sugar and play an important role in the dilution of blood sugar. Cucumber can beautify, make the skin moist and delicate. Applying cucumber slices to the face can effectively resist skin aging, reduce the generation of wrinkles, and reduce wrinkles on the facial skin. Cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which can prolong life and anti-aging.

The third is lemon. Lemon is a light-sensitive food. Drinking lemon water should be drunk at night to avoid pigmentation. Lemon is a fruit. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which can maintain the production of various tissue cells and interstitial cells in the human body, and can maintain normal physiology. function, so eating lemon often can prevent colds and stimulate blood production. Vitamin C has the effect of preventing and eliminating skin pigmentation, so regular consumption has the effect of beauty, whitening, and beauty, but because lemon is a light-sensitive food, if you drink lemon water in the morning, it can cause facial pigmentation after exposure to ultraviolet rays, so It is recommended to drink lemon water before going to bed at night, and pay attention to avoiding sunlight and sun protection.

Since this soup has so much nutrition, let's see how to make it. First, the instructions prepare the vegetables, making sure to chop them into small pieces (garlic can be minced) and add them to the blender. Start a pulse. Slowly add the oil and vinegar, keeping mixing, until smooth. Add cumin, salt and pepper. Finally, mix in the croutons. Keep mixing until the soup has no lumps and is very smooth and it looks a bit creamy. Pour into a large bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour and up to 24 hours, the taste gets better with time. Recipe Notes Soup will keep in the refrigerator for about 5 days, but is best eaten within the first 48 hours.