In addition to not containing fat and cholesterol, watermelon also contains a lot of glucose, malic acid, fructose, protein amino acids, tomatoes and rich in vitamin C and other substances. Watermelon tastes sweet and juicy, making it a great fruit in midsummer.

Eating watermelon can moisten the throat, clear fire, quench thirst, diuretic, and eliminate toxins from the body.

Don't throw away the leftover watermelon rind, you can saute it and eat it as a dish. Watermelon seeds can also be eaten as a snack! The most useful is the green coat of watermelon, which can be made into watermelon cream, which has the effect of reducing swelling and pain!

How to make watermelon juice?


1. Take about half or a quarter of a large watermelon, put it in a clean glass, put it in the refrigerator, and drink cold watermelon juice anytime, anywhere.

2. Use a small spoon to scoop out the pulp of the melon and remove the watermelon seeds. If a wall breaker is used, the seeds cannot be removed, but are directly ground for calcium supplementation.

3. Start the power to squeeze juice directly.

4. Pour into a cup and filter. If making it for kids, add some honey for added sweetness and nutrition. It can also be juiced with other fruits, which are more nutritious and sweeter.

Watermelon juice is mainly a juice product obtained from watermelon by physical methods such as pressing and extraction. It is cold in nature, sweet and delicate in taste.

Watermelon juice can eliminate puffiness and also has a diuretic effect. It is also a great product to quench your thirst on hot summer days.

Watermelon juice can improve various inflammations, improve white hair, back pain, especially the recovery of nephritis, supplement the essential fructose in the human body, resist aging, prevent arteriosclerosis, and improve allergic constitution.

Watermelon consumption taboo.

Normal healthy people should not eat too much at one time or eat a lot for a long time, because watermelon has a lot of water, and the water in the stomach will dilute the gastric juice, causing indigestion or diarrhea.

Watermelon should not be eaten after it has gone bad, as it can easily cause gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea. Eating watermelon in diabetics can cause blood sugar to rise.

Do not eat before or after meals.

Because too much water in watermelon will dilute the digestive juices in the stomach, eating before and after meals will affect the digestion and absorption of food, especially for the health of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

It should not be eaten after opening for a long time. When the temperature is too high, it is suitable for bacteria to multiply. If you eat watermelon that has been opened for a long time and is contaminated with bacteria, it will lead to gastrointestinal infections.

In the hot summer days, the sun emits a scorching light, which is a good time to make watermelon juice.