Egg roll, also known as Swiss egg roll, brioche. Mix flour, egg liquid, and sugar into a batter, add butter and bake into slices, spread butter, and roll into a tube. The color is golden and reddish, the texture is soft and spongy, and the flavor of egg candy is strong. According to legend, this egg roll is from Switzerland, so it is also called Swiss egg roll.

The invention of egg rolls is not for deliciousness, but to fill the stomach. In the old days, people who dig wild vegetables and grass roots to eat in order to fill their stomachs are everywhere, but these things are very unpalatable, in order to fill their stomachs, so So I came up with a good way to cook eggs, wild vegetables and grass roots together, but eggs are not common, so I dried the boiled eggs, wild vegetables and grass roots, rolled them into shapes, and kept them before eating slowly. This formed the ancestor of the egg roll!

The ingredients required for homemade egg rolls are 3 eggs, 120 grams of low-gluten flour, 80 grams of corn oil, 55 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, and 10 grams of black sesame seeds.

1. Put the eggs, corn oil, sugar, and salt in a container and beat them evenly with a hand mixer.

2. Sieve the low-gluten flour in advance, pour it into the egg corn oil, and add black sesame seeds.

3. Continue to stir evenly. There will be a lot of large noodle particles at the beginning. Continue to stir without stopping. Slowly, it will stir evenly and there will be no noodle particles.

4. Put the egg roll holder on the stove, preheat the upper and lower sides on low heat for one minute, scoop a spoonful of batter, put it in the middle, and put the top and bottom sides of the egg roll holder together.

5. Heat one side for 20 seconds, turn the other side for another 20 seconds, heat the upper and lower sides repeatedly, there is no heat coming out from the side, it is almost the same, open it and take a look, if the color is white, it means that it is not cooked, continue to heat both sides, this time is the most It is easy to overheat, and if you are not careful, the color will be too dark, and the color will be slightly browned.

6. Open the egg roll holder, use chopsticks to pick up one edge, roll it up, and heat it on the egg roll holder for 10 seconds at the end, so that the egg roll can be set, and the egg roll is not easy to open. Pull out the chopsticks and the egg roll is ready,the egg rolls will become crunchy after cooling! Super tasty.

Egg rolls have the effect of calming the nerves and removing troubles and replenishing energy. Egg rolls are made by mixing flour, egg liquid and sugar into a batter, adding butter to bake into sheets, smearing butter, and then rolling into a tube. The color is golden and reddish, the texture is soft and spongy, and the flavor of egg candy is strong. It has the functions of replenishing energy, calming the nerves and removing troubles.

1. Energy supplement: Egg rolls contain carbohydrates and sugars, which can quickly provide energy for the body.

2. Soothe the nerves and eliminate troubles: The egg rolls contain carbohydrates, which can supplement the glucose consumed by the brain and relieve fatigue, irritability, distraction, and depression caused by insufficient glucose supply in the brain.