The so-called cherry tomatoes are the small tomatoes we usually eat. Originating in Taiwan Province of China and Southeast Asia, it is also called cherry tomatoes. The fruit is oval in shape, shaped like a cherry, bright red in color and delicious. The cherry tomato plantlets are effective in repelling flies, while the fruit is good for treating bleeding gums because it is rich in vitamin C.

Cherry tomatoes taste sweet and sour, but its medicinal properties are a little cold, so if it is suitable for people with frequent abdominal pain or chest tightness, but there are also some symptoms that are very suitable For those who eat cherry tomatoes, such as thirst, bad breath, excessive meat consumption, sore throat, etc.

it is very beneficial to eat more cherry tomatoes, which can play a role in treatment and relief. Moreover, cherry tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C. These vitamin Cs are very needed nutrients for connective tissues in the human body. After people absorb vitamin C, they can improve their various organs.

Moreover, cherry tomatoes contain a special substance called lycopene, which is also his only special substance. For people, especially children, these substances can promote their growth and development, and can enhance their growth and development.

People's own resistance allows people to resist the invasion of external bacteria, and can also play a certain role in delaying people's aging. In addition, because lycopene can protect people from other carcinogenic factors, if you are affected by second-hand smoke. Or other car exhaust damage, you can also use cherry tomatoes for self-protection.

Tomato is a highly nutritious vegetable. Many nutritionists have pointed out that the dry matter content of tomato is 7.7%, of which sugar accounts for 1.8-5%, acid 0.15%-0.75%, protein 0.7%-1.3%, vitamin 0.6%-1.4% , Minerals 0.5~0.8%, Pectin 1.3%~2.5%, Vitamin C 25~45mg/100g. In addition, there are carotene, vitamin Bl, B2. tomato pigment and so on. Cherry tomatoes, like other tomatoes, can be eaten raw or cooked. But more suitable for raw food.

Cherry tomatoes can promote the growth and development of the human body, especially the growth and development of children. Therefore, children can eat cherry tomatoes as one of the main fruits. It has high nutritional value and can increase physical development.

Cherry tomatoes can also increase the body's resistance, delay human aging, and reduce wrinkles. Therefore, it is especially suitable for girls to use for beauty. It can be said that it is a natural beauty fruit for girls.