Watermelon is a treasure for the whole body. Different parts have different uses. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, and eating more watermelon can supplement nutrition. Eating watermelon can moisten the throat, clear fire, quench thirst, diuretic, and eliminate toxins from the body.

Don't throw away the leftover watermelon rind, you can sauté it and eat it as a dish. Watermelon seeds can also be eaten as a snack! The most useful is the green coat of watermelon, which can be made into watermelon cream, which has the effect of reducing swelling and pain!

There are good and bad in everything, and watermelon is the same. Do you pick watermelons?

1. Look at the color of the watermelon.

There are many varieties of watermelon in summer. First, it depends on its color and texture. The color is emerald green with a slight yellow tinge, and the texture is clear. The striped flowers of a watermelon are best spread out.

Such watermelons will definitely reach sweetness after sufficient sunlight exposure.

2. Look at the melon vine.

A naturally ripe watermelon with the roots in a dry state next to the vine. The roots of immature watermelons are green or moist, while fresh watermelons have green and tall vines, and watermelons that have been stored for a long time are more wilted and curled.

3. Look at the shape of the watermelon.

In the process of buying and selecting watermelons, try to choose watermelons with smooth skin and uniform shape, especially round or oval watermelons.

Melons with horns or hollows are unhealthy melons. They are formed from secondary fruit during growth, or melons are not well pollinated. Best not to buy them.

Listen to the sound.

When picking watermelons, you can listen to the sound. First, hold the watermelon with one hand and tap the watermelon with the other. If you hear a "bang" sound, it is relatively crisp, indicating that the watermelon is naturally mature.

If the sound is dull, it means that the watermelon is not fully ripe.

Watermelon consumption taboo.

Normal healthy people should not eat too much at one time or eat a lot for a long time, because watermelon has a lot of water, and the water in the stomach will dilute the gastric juice, causing indigestion or diarrhea.

Watermelon should not be eaten after it has gone bad, as it can easily cause gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea. Eating watermelon in diabetics can cause blood sugar to rise.

Do not eat before or after meals.

Because too much water in watermelon will dilute the digestive juices in the stomach, eating before and after meals will affect the digestion and absorption of food, especially for the health of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

One of the indispensable fruits in summer.