Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast can provide people with the energy they need during the day, so that we have sufficient energy to face the day's work. Many people choose whole wheat bread for breakfast, which is fuller and healthier.

When it comes to the fruit that goes best with bread, it must be avocado. They go together for a delicate and nutritious meal that doesn't require a lot of time and effort. Just add some simple nutritional embellishments, common and monotonous bread can also taste high-end feeling, so as to start a day full of vitality.

The avocado looks strange, but the taste makes people aftertaste again and again! Although it is a fruit, its taste is similar to cheese, and it is very delicate. It is rich in good fats that are beneficial to the human body, and eating it can reduce the intake of harmful fats, so it is called a healthy fruit. Let's take a look at its nutritional benefits.

1.Laxative effect

The dietary fiber content of avocado is about 40%. After eating, it can absorb water and expand in the gastrointestinal tract, promote gastrointestinal motility, and improve constipation.

2. Beauty

Avocado is rich in glyceric acid, protein and vitamins, which can not only soften and moisturize the skin, but also shrink pores and delay aging.

3. Protect the liver

Avocados contain active ingredients that protect the liver and have a certain alleviation effect on common liver diseases.

4. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Avocado itself contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce the content of protein cholesterol in the blood, accelerate the catabolism of saturated fatty acids, and effectively reduce the cholesterol level in the body.

5. Hair care

Avocado contains lecithin, which is an important ingredient to ensure healthy hair growth. Avocado has good skin-friendly properties and is easily absorbed. Regular consumption can make hair soft and smooth.

6. Relieve eye fatigue

Avocados are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin E. These nutrients are good for eye health and are good for people who use the eyes frequently.

The taste of avocado alone is unacceptable to many people, but when combined with other foods, it can make a wonderful combination of texture.

Eating avocado with bread is almost a natural match. Put a few slices of avocado on regular whole-wheat bread, and even the simplest of breads will instantly shine.

There are also many combinations of avocado and whole wheat bread, let's take a look at one of them!

Ingredients needed:

2 eggs

50ml milk

half an avocado

1 slice of toast

moderate amount of butter (edible oil can also be used, but butter is more fragrant)


1. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl, add salt and 50ml milk, stir well, then bake 1 slice of toast in a bread machine.

2. Lay a piece of plastic wrap on the table, dig out half of the avocado and put it on the plastic wrap, cut into pieces, wrap it with the plastic wrap on the table, and grind the wrapped avocado pieces into mud.

3. Add an appropriate amount of butter to the pot to dissolve on a low heat, then pour the prepared egg milk into the pot, heat it on a low heat until it slowly solidifies.

4. Spread the mashed avocado on the toast, then put the slippery egg, sprinkle some black pepper and you're done!

Such a simple, delicious, quick and nutritious egg and avocado toast is ready. Eat this blissful breakfast and be full of energy throughout the day!